SSP Platfrom February Updates!

Hello friends,

A new batch of Self-Serve Platform updates is catching up with you. What has changed since the last update-notes? Well, let’s see:

  1. Updates for Publishers
  2. Updates for Advertisers


Updates for Publishers


1. File verification makes it easy: HTML-verification.

Now you’re able to verify your website by uploading a specific HTML file in case your CMS system doesn’t allow strict source code updates. Just go to your Publisher’s Dashboard, choose a website to verify and download/upload the HTML file to your website.

2. All your payment history in one place.

As you should have remembered, according to Terms & Conditions all the payment fees lie on publishers’. From here, we’ll make sure that you have all the balance history in one place to assure you that nothing is missing.

3. Ad server time is back to the dashboard’s header.

All the statistics updates on EST time standard and now publishers’ are able to see the Ad Server time to get a better sense of the statistics revision.

Looks great? We’ll continue working on enhancing Publisher’s experience with the Self-Serve Platform.
Sign in to try out these updates.

Updates for Advertisers


1. Hop on board: Onboarding for our partners.

Have you just signed up and can’t figure out what to do next? Our welcome onboarding will take care of you and show the directions.

2. Be on touch: Multi-Messenger support.

Wish to be always in touch? Then add additional messengers to your profile by using the ‘Add another messenger’ link. This update includes new messenger types at your disposal like Telegram or WhatsApp.

3. Control your tables.

Get rid of the unwanted columns or add the necessary ones by using the column filter in your Dashboard.

Don’t forget to apply your changes.

4. More API powers.

If you’re running API configuration to control your ads then this update should be some awesome thing for you. We’re expanding available API requests and now you’re able to perform:

  • ‘GET’ commands — unlimited requests.
  • ‘Stats’ commands — 240 requests per hour.
  • ‘PUT’ commands — 960 requests per hour.


Looks great? We’ll continue working on enhancing Advertisers’ experience with the Self-Serve Platform.
Sign in to try out these updates.

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