
All the guidelines and rules are created in order to raise the quality of our services and stated in Clickadu Terms & Conditions.
In this article you will discover:

  • Overall Advertising & Quality Guidelines
  • Video Advertising & Quality Guidelines
  • Push Notifications & Quality Guidelines
  • Overall Publishers’ Guidelines



Overall Advertising & Quality Guidelines

Clickadu prohibits the promotion of products or services in the following categories:

  • illegal activity (i.e. the sale of organs, slave trading, cloning, terrorism, guides how to build a bomb, hacking, “phreaking”, etc);
  • hate-mongering (i.e. racial, political, ethnic, religious, gender-based, sexuality-based or personal, etc.);
  • violence, obscene or vulgar language and abusive content or content which endorses or threatens physical harm;
  • any references to under-aged sexual contacts or its consequences (pregnancy etc.)
  • illegal substance;
  • drugs or any related paraphernalia;
  • adware, malware, viruses, phishing offers;
  • creatives should not contain words like “your software is outdated”, “your device is infected”, “viruses found” etc;
  • No misleading ads, providing false info to the user;
  • purchase of weapons/military equipment;
  • false or deceptive investment advice, and others;
  • use marketing material (images, banners, pages, or texts) that are copyrighted by third parties, including using celebrity’s other personal attributes without permission for an exploitative purpose.
  • any political-related advertisement
  • any kind of cryptocurrency or crypto offers
  • Clickadu also reserves the right to reject any content for any reason at our sole discretion.
  • Gambling\casino\betting offers in the United States.


Please note that campaigns are continually reviewed by our staff and an active campaign can be suspended at any time. If, after approval, a campaign was modified in a way that does not follow our Guidelines, your account could be suspended or terminated.


Video Advertising & Quality Guidelines

In order to run Pre-Roll video campaigns, your content should comply with specific rules.

Advertising Guidelines:

  • You should be fully entitled to use materials featured in the video content. Copyright proof will be requested.
  • Video content should be free of misleading, non-commercial content and advertise your product.
  • Text in the video should be easy to recognize – Quality Guidelines will help you to reach this requirement.
  • Original and appealing video content is required to engage more customers.
  • It’s prohibited to cheat on Youtube via pre-roll advertising campaigns both by Google LLC and Clickadu s.r.o policies.
  • Video content can be rejected due to the inappropriate content for the Network or by publishers’ recommendations.

Video content Quality Guidelines:


  • Preferable Video Format: MPEG-4 video (video/mp4);
  • Video Codec: H.264;
  • Audio Codec MPEG-4 AAC;
  • Video File Size: up to 40 MB;
  • Aspect Ratio: Popular video players automatically resize the video so that it fits their dimensions while keeping the ratio. Nevertheless, a ratio matching the player ratio (if known) is preferable;
  • Resolution: 720p recommended;
  • Maximum Duration: 30 sec;
  • Minimum 15 seconds;
  • Requirements using VAST creatives;
  • VAST Creatives need to include the ‘skip’ event, the skipOffset attribute on the linear element must be set to 00:00:05, example <Linear skipoffset=“00:00:05”>.


Clickadu may cancel any further relations due to the constant violence of these guidelines. All the cancelation consequences are stated in Terms & Conditions (Point 11).


Overall publishers’ guidelines

A publisher suspected in any fraudulent activity will be banned, withheld account balance and take all necessary legal actions to restore the damage caused by this violation. All advertising campaigns carried out on Publishers websites with fraudulent activities are not subject to payment.

These prohibited activities include but not limited to:


  • Framing an ad-banner’s click-through destination;
  • Using invisible iframe;
  • Using auto-spawning of browsers;
  • Running “spiders”/”bots”;
  • Using automatic redirecting of users or any other technique of generating automatic or fraudulent click-through and/or impressions;
  • Ads may not be placed on an automatically reloaded page.


In any case, Clickadu shall make all determinations about fraudulent activity in its sole discretion.

Websites must be free of:


  • Illegal content prohibited by the law: CP / Zoo / Gore / Violence;
  • Racial, ethnic, political, hate-mongering or otherwise objectionable content;
  • Materials that defames, abuses, or threatens physical harm to others;
  • Promotional content of illegal substances or activities (e.g. illegal online gambling, “how to build a bomb”, counterfeiting money, etc.);
  • Hacking or Phreaking content;
  • Any other inappropriate content as determined by us in our sole discretion.


Clickadu may cancel any further relations due to the constant violence of these guidelines. All the cancelation consequences are stated in Terms&Conditions (Point 14).