What are interstitial ads and how to use them right

Interstitial ads are a format of advertising that will blend into the user experience. Interstitial advertising is a winning option because advertisers love full-screen formats. It is important for website owners or game developers that advertising does not completely hinder viewing content or games.

In this article, we will share all the information you need to know so as not to stumble on penalties or waste your traffic. By getting acquainted with all the nuances, interstitial advertising will bring you large screenings, clicks, conversions, and income.

What are interstitial ads?

Interstitial advertising is the format of full-screen interactive online advertising that appears on the site or app.

The user can often encounter this advertisement during the transition between the content parts or when moving to the next level during the game.
Full coverage and attracting the attention of the audience – this is what distinguish this mobile advertising format from others. Moreover, many browsers and websites have introduced pop-up blockers that allow the user to avoid “viewing” ads, but these restrictions do not apply to online advertising.

This format of advertising consists of the following elements:

  • Multimedia materials;
  • Text;
  • Image;
  • Video.

The user always has the option to close the online advertisement. For example, an advertisement without a video format can be closed immediately. But the advertisement containing the video must be watched to a certain point before it is closed.

An interstitial advertising user can encounter both on his mobile device and desktop. This advertising format is supported as both iOS and Android full-screen ads. The user always has the option to close the online advertisement. For example, an advertisement without a video format can be closed immediately. But the advertisement containing the video must be watched to a certain point before it is closed.

An interstitial advertising user can encounter both on his mobile device and desktop. This advertising format is supported as both iOS and Android full-screen ads.

Why use interstitial ads?

  • The use of interstitial advertising undoubtedly brings more coverage and therefore increases the company’s transitions, downloads, and revenues. Companies use this format for some reasons: Full-screen mode undoubtedly attracts the audience;
  • The wide range of advertising increases coverage and conversion.

Interstitial ads – pros and cons

There are several reasons why online advertising outperforms other online advertising formats.

  1. Ability to advertise comprehensively
    Interstitial advertising allows the use of not only text for advertising. Due to the absence of any restrictions on advertising, it is possible to use any multimedia components. In this way, advertising will better convey the offer and attract more attention.
  2. Appeal of advertising
    Full-screen interactive advertising, in any case, will attract the user’s attention. For example, the user plays a favorite game; however, to move to the next level, he must first watch the advertisement. This ensures that the target audience will see your ads.
  3. Great user involvement
    Again, because interstitial advertising has a full-screen format, it is difficult not to notice it. Such advertising can interest the user due to its focus on the right topic and target audience. Moreover, the user can most often close the online advertising at the right time, so this format will not cause any particular irritation.
  4. Advertising spreads not only on the Internet
    The user can encounter interstitial advertising on the Internet and in mobile applications and games. This suggests that the format covers more users.
  5. High CPM
    Because online advertising can attract a lot of attention from users, it becomes more valuable for advertisers and publishers. Advertisers are ready to pay more to publishers as they can direct advertising directly to potential consumers.
  6. High clicks
    When an interstitial advertisement appears on a full screen, the user has only two actions – close the advertisement after a certain time or click on it and go to the target page. It is this that increases clickability and publisher value.

However, with so many advantages, interstitial advertising has its drawbacks.

  1. Increased user intrusiveness
    Despite all the regulatory rules for the publication of interstitial advertising, it is considered one of the most intrusive. For example, when such advertisements appear on a full screen, they can close important searched content. Or if the user is playing the game, the advertisement can slow down his progress of levels or completely distract from the gameplay.
  2. Restrictions and penalties from Google
    When publishing online advertising, it is important to follow all the recommendations and rules of Google. Otherwise, users may be penalized for improperly publishing media advertising.
  3. The long and slow download of ads
    Interstitial advertising often takes a long time to download. This is due to the full-screen mode, as well as a large number of media components. For the user, it will be uncomfortable and annoying. As a result, users can completely abandon the site or application with a large stream of slowly sinking advertising. Thus, such advertising would not be profitable. To avoid this problem, publishers and advertisers can use various analytical tools.

How much do interstitial ads pay?

Interstitial advertising is one of the most expensive. Compared to other formats, the price for CPM is one of the highest.

Over the past year, five countries with the highest prices for interstitial mobile advertising have been identified:

  1. United States ($11.06 Android, $9.58 iOS);
  2. Canada ($8.64 Android, $7.21 iOS);
  3. Australia ($6.65 Android, $6.88 iOS);
  4. Denmark ($6.34 Android, $5.76 iOS);
  5. Switzerland ($6.27 Android, $5.73 iOS).

Penalties for interstitial ads

Many users often confuse pop-up and interstitial advertising formats because of this, publishers and advertisers may receive fines or even site blocking.
You may encounter problems when using interstitial advertising as follows:

  1. If on the site full-screen advertising pops up immediately after the users come there from the search;
  2. If advertising on the site overlaps content;
  3. If a full-screen advertisement pops up while the user scrolling the page to read the content;
  4. If the interstitial advertising needs to be manually closed to view the content on the page;
  5. If the interstitial advertising overlaps the top banner of the page with content.

User experience is very important for website and application owners. It is difficult to find and click on a “cross” or close button on mobile devices or small screens. Thus, such advertisements may be blocked.

Interstitial ads and Google

Google often imposes penalties and restrictions for the misplacement of advertising in its spaces.

As for interstitial advertising, Google notes that such a format should appear only in natural content transitions during the user’s journey through the site and during the transition to the following pages. If these details are not followed, the resources will be punished.

Google is committed to creating and maintaining a transparent system. Therefore, websites that force the download of mobile applications by full-screen advertising are punished.

However, Google also notes that advertising will be perfect for brands because they have a lot of space for narration.


Despite all the nuances of interactive advertising, this format is one of the most attractive. It’s a great way for a publisher to increase their income. This advertising format will be particularly effective for mobile applications and games due to its attractiveness and dynamism. Thanks to the user’s high involvement in such advertising applications, developers get higher eCPM for this format.

Since interstitial advertising is in full-screen format, it is important to think well about the creative component to leave a good impression on the user. However, it is important to work out not only the design of the advertising campaign but also all the details of the advertising customization to direct it to the right audience.

Follow the recommendations above; then, you will secure a high income. If you want your product to stand out from banner blindness, try interstitial advertising. If you don’t listen to all the tips, your ads will generate little traffic and conversions.

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