Pre-Roll Ads

December 20, 2018

What is a video ad format?

Pre-roll is a promotional video shown before the start of the main video content.
Running an ad ahead the content means engaging the audience in the decision-making process more thoroughly.
Option to skip ad content appears after watching the promotional video for 5 seconds.
However, about half of the viewers watch the video to the end, despite having the opportunity to skip it.
The likeliness of a successful conversion is directly proportional to the quality of the creative.

How does it work?

User clicks on the video. Pre-roll video ad is shown to the viewer and the button 'Skip Ad' appears after 5 seconds. After tapping on the pre-roll user goes to the landing page.

Increase ad recall, brand awareness, and purchase intent by leveraging short, engaging pre-roll ads.

desert desert

What does it look like?


Pre-roll advantages:

The advantages of the video-format lie in the wide range of promotional ideas. Right now, over 4 billion people are watching videos over the internet, video advertising offers a huge reach potential.

  • High delivery and conversion rate
  • eCPM starts from $0,3 and Tier 1 countries cost around $1
  • JS tag Pre-Roll compatible with all known video players
  • Master Targeting
  • Available on pricing models: CPM, CPC & SmartCPA

Clickadu offers and supports almost all popular web-video formats: MP4, WMV, AVI, MOV & FLV.

How to start


A code is ready for use in the publishers' dashboard


Video campaign creation is already available for you in the Self - Serve platform

Clickadu Team