We asked our experts to share the 7 biggest mistakes which are made by publishers while setting up on their own. These mistakes can turn website monetization into an ineffective process and lead to low profit.


1. You’re using the wrong ad format

Some publishers randomly select ad formats for their websites. However, there are several insights, using which you can make ads on your website relevant and attractive for your visitors.

– Push Notifications

Users react better to Push Notifications while using their mobile devices. So if you mostly have desktop traffic, the Push Notifications format won’t be effective for you. Moreover, Push Notifications are not suitable for iOS, in this case, it’s better to use InPage Push format.

– Pop-up

Pop-up is suitable for any website, but you have to consider GEO and display frequency. On popular GEOs, where demand is high, you can increase your frequency capping up to 5 Pop-ups per user. Conversely, if a certain GEO is not in demand among advertisers, it makes no sense to set the high frequency.


2. You’re using too many ad formats at the same time

There is a myth that the more ad formats are used on the site, the higher will be the profit. Huge numbers of ads scatter users’ attention, consequently, conversions significantly drop and your CPM is lower. We recommend using 2-3 ad formats max to keep users’ attention and make your website load fast.


3. You’re placing an ad in the wrong place on the website

This point seems obvious at first sight; however, it’s still a pretty common mistake. Sometimes publishers can place ads on places, where users most probably won’t pay attention to them. For example, banners at the bottom of the page will be out of sight for users, as well as pop-ups on the secondary pages of the website.


4. Your ad frequency is incorrect

By adjusting frequency, you determine how often your ad will appear on your site. Too frequent and annoying advertising repels users, it can lead to an increase in the bounce rate, loss of audience, and a drop in your site in search results. Your personal manager will help you choose the optimal frequency number based on the demand for your traffic and its amount.


5. You change ad networks too often

By changing ad networks often, you reduce income in the period, since over time, ad campaigns rotate better and cling to the zone (site), forming the maximum CPM. Also, CPM increases because advertisers add zones (sites) to the white-list. When you change the network, the whole process starts over: rotation, adding to the white-list, etc.


6. You’ve removed the ad tag too fast

Some publishers remove the ad tag too fast without waiting for the testing to end and the correct statistics to appear. Testing is an important step to find out which ads perform the best for your audience. It takes up to 48 hours to determine traffic demand, establish CPM, and select the best companies, so better don’t rush.


7. You’re choosing a fraudulent network

The number of ad networks is growing rapidly. Unfortunately, the number of unscrupulous networks is also increasing. It happens that some networks promise big payouts and even give them at the beginning due to a poor-quality feed. However, a bit later these fraudulent networks reduce your incomes or even don’t pay part of your money.

To choose a trustworthy network, you should pay attention to several points:

  • Are payments made on time?
  • How often are payments made, what is the approximate income you can get?
  • How do the managers communicate with clients, do they help to solve problems?
  • How safe are advertisements?
  • How many webmasters are already working with this network?
  • Are there positive reviews of the network in open sources or forums?


Clickadu is a reliable ad network. We provide a clean feed thanks to our Policy and moderation. All advertisements are automatically and manually tested at several stages. Each publisher is assigned an individual manager who will always answer any questions and help you with a setup. You are guaranteed to receive payments every week (starting from $ 50) through PayPal, Webmoney, Paxum, and Wire transfer.

Tags: publishers
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