New Anti-Adblock System Overcoming Adblock

It has finally happened!
We’re releasing new Anti-Adblock System for you. No more money loss with Ad-block using audience.

Plunge into the numbers. Investigate some bitter statistics about Ad-block:

Considering the combined statistics: Adblock system is used by 10-20% of your site’s audience. The numbers may appear low, but according to the Juniper Research the Ad Blocking is going to cost $27 Billon pulishers’ loss to 2020. Pretty much, huh?

Let’s examine another infographics helpfully provided by Tune.
According to the reserch the numbers of Ad Blocker users show stable growth:

Piece of cake. The easiest way to prevent your money loss:

Let me show you how our Anti-Adblock system works. It’s simple, without any additional efforts the Ad placed on your website will be shown to your audience no matter Ad Blocking systems.

Sounds splendid? To add a code on your site kindly contact your personal manager to provide you modified JS.

Tags: publishers
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