Banner Ads

Do you recall watching billboards on roads that usually captured your attention? Banner ads are the digital version of billboards that you see on multiple websites. They consist of rectangular images or animations that market the company’s products and services and are designed to compel you to click on their website. The ads are positioned on the top, side, or bottom of the landing page. The main purpose of their flashy nature is that they will attract you to click on the ad to learn more about what the company is offering. 

In the Banner Advertising Market, ad expenditure is predicted to reach US$67.1bn in 2024. According to Medium, site owners can expect $5 per 1,000 ad impressions.  

In the midst of this form of advertising, were you aware that banner ads have a format? No, right? Allow this blog to shed light on the banner ad format, whether it is still effective, the types of banners, the benefits of banner advertising for advertisers and publishers, and how to create banner ad campaigns with Clickadu

What Is A Banner Ad Format? 

The landscape of online marketing makes the most out of interesting branding elements to reach their target audience. A banner ad is one of them. It is not published casually but exists in a variety of formats. Yes, we will tell you about them one by one:

Mainstream Banner Ad Format  

In the mainstream ones, you will see Leaderboard, Medium Rectangle, Skyscraper, Large Mobile Banner, and Square.

Leaderboard (728×90 pixels)

The hint is within the name that it beats the other formats. The Leaderboard banner ad is the largest one that stretches across the website. The advantage is that as soon as the people click on the link, the banner ad will be the first thing they would view, but at the same time, the content is pushed below. To see that, users have to scroll quite a lot to learn what the website is about. 

Medium Rectangle (300×250 pixels)

The medium banner ad proves its versatility in being an all-rounder banner. It can fit on several website layouts, which makes it a favorite of web designers. They are placed either on the sidebars or within the content. 

Skyscrapers (160×600 pixels)

The name might sound funny, but the banner ad has the title because the visual is tall and skinny in nature. It runs along the side of the webpage, providing enhanced visibility to the users, but lets down the marketer in terms of a lower click-through rate, which is small in size.

Large Mobile Banner (320×50 pixels)

The emergence of the mobile phone, gave a wake-up call to marketers to use that tool as well to market their products and services. How? With the help of a large mobile banner. It is created especially for mobile phones, where the banner is either on top of the screen or at the bottom. 

Square (250×250 pixels)

The square banner ad is compact in its size and the marketers place it between the content or sidebars. The flexibility is not hindered but has a lesser visual impact, so audiences might miss out on what the website is offering. 

Expandable Banner 

Sometimes when you click on a banner, it expands showing you more information. That is an expandable banner. On hovering over the banner ad display, the banner enlarges and reveals more information or a Call To Action (CTA). The expandable gives room for creativity, but marketers avoid filling it as that is considered cluttering and may hinder user experience.

Pop-up Banner 

When exploring a webpage, some ads show out of nowhere and usually you end up removing them to resume your scrolling. That is called a pop-up banner, which has gradually depleted as it generated no results and irritated the user. 

Rich Media Banner 

How are these banners distinct from other banner types? The answer is that this banner is made with a variety of multimedia elements such as video, animation, and audio, so whoever is redirected to the website finds the channel amusing and interacts with it. 

They get full marks in visually appealing, but test your patience in loading to show you the full picture. 

Does The Banner Ad Format Still Work? 

In the fast-paced dimension of online advertising, banner ads seem to be like old buddies. According to Boomcycle, the average CTR for display ads is just 0.05%, which stands as a red flag that users are not interested in engaging with banner ads. But they work out in a few situations. 

Brand Awareness

Banner ads are a marketer’s delight as they do the job of increasing awareness about the brand amongst the public. That is the initial desire of any company to be recognized in the market that they exist in. 

Affordable and Simple 

Banners are easier to create and manage, which makes them more cost-effective than other complicated ad formats. 

Targeted Reach 

Platforms that allow brands to advertise on their pages have the advantage of targeting particular demographics and interests. This improves relevance. 

What Are The Types Of Banner Ads?

Let’s step ahead and explore the types of banners and their distinct characteristics, and applications. The advertising resource provides a cost-effective way to attract users through animated, interstitial, and programmatic banner ads. 

Animated Banner Ads 

Animations have the power to escalate the game of advertising. Hence, animated banner ads capture the attention through basic motion. It can magnetize your attention with the following:


Attention Increases 

When compared to the basic banner ad, the movement in the animated banner ad boasts about grabbing more views. Where is the lie here? We all get fascinated by such banners. 

X Times More Engagement 

It’s a marketer’s dream come true when they observe the sudden surge in CTRs that is because the banner ad was successful in appealing to audiences. The animations can be used strategically to tell a story and mention product features to let people know what the company is launching in the upcoming days, resulting in higher user engagement. 

Easy To Remember 

People often forget the ads, but if the banner ad was created out of a different technique then it remains in their memory. Similar is the case of animated banner ads which achieve the target of being remembered due to the animations used in them. 

Interstitial Banner Ads 

These full ad types come in between the content, intruding into the customer’s user experience. They display for a few seconds until the removing option appears or disappears when their time frame is completed. 


Highly Visible 

The interstitials take over the entire screen leaving the viewer with no option, but to see the whole banner ad. These make the kind perfect if the marketers want maximum impact and impressions on the campaigns.


The banner ad is not confined to being static. An interstitial banner ad is preferred for its flexible nature as it can be static, enhanced with animations, or even videos. 

Call-To-Action Prompt

Call-to-action plays a pivotal role for brands as that steps in as a prompt to see the website. This banner provides you with a prominent space to add Call-To-Action, motivating users to interact with the webpage. 

Programmatic Banner Ads

Automated technology is used to create programmatic banner ads to buy and sell banner ad space across several channels:



Programmatic advertising automates the process, saving time and resources compared to manual ad buying.

Targeting Precision

Advanced targeting options allow for reaching specific demographics and interests, improving ad relevance.

Real-Time Bidding

Advertisers can have access to real-time bidding. This means bidding on ad space in real-time, ensuring they get the most relevant placements for their budget.

Benefits Of Banner Advertising 

Banner advertising may seem old-fashioned, but it offers multiple advantages: 


As mentioned at the start of the blog too, banner ads are a cost-effective solution for hitting a wider audience.


Banner ads are available in a wide variety and can fit anywhere on the website, which supports its versatility. 

Brand Awareness

Banner ads do the honors of drilling about the brands that constantly come across the eyes of the viewers, increasing recall and recognition. 

Benefits Of Banner Advertising For Advertisers 

Advertising plays an essential role in connecting businesses with their target audience and achieving success.

Increased Brand Awareness and Recognition

Advertising means to expose your brand to a wider audience,  whether through traditional media like television or online channels like social media. Repeated exposure builds brand recognition, making your company more familiar to potential customers. 

Driving Sales and Conversions

Ultimately, most businesses advertise to generate leads, sales, or conversions. A well-crafted advertising campaign can entice potential customers to learn more about your product or service, visit your website, or make a purchase.

Give A Tough Time To Your Rivals 

In a crowded marketplace, advertising helps you stand out from the competition. Effective campaigns can differentiate your brand by highlighting your unique selling proposition (USP) and showcasing the benefits you offer compared to competitors.

Benefits Of Banner Advertising For Publishers 

Banner advertising, often seen as a basic tool for advertisers,  can also provide significant benefits for publishers (website or app owners):

Increased Traffic

Well-designed banner ads can actually attract new visitors to a publisher’s website. If the ads are relevant to the website’s content and target audience, they might pique users’ curiosity and encourage them to explore the website further.


Banner ads offer a way for publishers to generate revenue from their content. By displaying ads relevant to their audience, publishers can earn money when someone clicks on an ad or simply views it, depending on the ad format.

Reaching New Audiences

Partnering with ad networks allows publishers to display ads from a wider range of advertisers.

Create Banner Ad Campaigns With Clickadu 

If you are hunting for a vendor to create banner ad campaigns, then consider your search has ended, as Clickadu has come to the rescue. We offer advantages for both advertisers and publishers. Advertisers can use CPC/SmartCPM/CPM pricing models. Free tests for the CPC pricing model and misclicking protection to avoid overpaying for a non-target audience. The publishers can expect to have the banner ad placed anywhere, and that are available in two sizes, 300×250 and 300×100. A very Google-friendly advertising format and a 100% fill rate are assured.

Requirements For Banners

  • Number of creatives: up to five
  • Types: image, video, gif
  • Formats: jpg, png, gif, mp4
  • Sizes: for images and gifs – up to 256 kb, for video – up to 1 Mb

Don’t wait! Launch profitable banner ad campaigns today. Sign up for your free Clickadu trial now!

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Banners are waiting for you on our SSP platform